Dec 2023

Author: Max

We just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU for all the love and support you showed The 12 Streams of Christmas, as an event overall.

We are still a little shocked about how much of a success the event was, and cannot wait to share future plans with you!

In the meantime, we’ve updated the 12 Streams of Christmas page, giving the massive thanks owed to everybody who made it possible.

Remember: This is only the start. We’ll have much more to come, so watch this space!

On that note, it’s time to wrap up until 2024 – when we’ll be back with some more super ambitious ideas to consider…

We truly hope you had an amazing Christmas, and are enjoying the remainder of the holiday season! We wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR filled with everything you can dream of!

Remember, this project (website, 12 Streams, and all) was once just a dream… and now it’s reality. Anybody can change the world if they want to!


Let’s gooooo