Apr 2024

Author: Alphajay

We’re delighted to be able to launch our new Events module, which we’re trialling for the Our House event at Drumsheds, UK on Saturday 27th April 2024!

This new website facility has been a while coming, but now it’s here, it puts all the necessary pre-event information in one place! And if you’re a Discord Member, you can login and see who of your fellow members you’ll get to meet up with at the event!

Along side the confirmed line-up, the new facility includes interactive Google Maps, venue address and website links including directions, the aforementioned Discord Attendees list and some important notes or frequently asked questions to ensure attendees get the best experience possible at the event.

As mentioned, this is a trial system, so if it works and you guys are happy with it – then we’ll happily roll it out across all other major/large-scale James Hype events!

Of course, as a trial, we also welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can make it even better or if you have any issues using the system. The more we know, the better we can make it for you!

Check out the new event page for yourself